02 Jul 2012

Bloated Stomach? What You Need to Know About Gas In The Stomach

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Bloated Stomach? What You Need to Know About Gas In The Stomach

It’s not the most pleasant odor — and it’s not the most pleasant topic. But everybody has it, and everybody sometimes has much more of it than they want to think about! Intestinal gas is one of those natural things that happens to everyone. And at some point in their lives, everyone will have to deal with the discomfort and embarrassment of having too much of this natural thing.

Here’s what you need to know about gas — how it happens, why it stinks, and what you can do about it.

The Basics of Gas

There are plenty of quaint (and maybe not so quaint) words for gas: Flatulence is a proper term that can be used in polite company, but sometimes it’s known as farting, pooting, passing gas, breaking wind, popping off or the ever-popular “silent yet deadly.” Whatever funny name you call it, sometimes excess gas is no laughing matter!

Gas can be produced by food that lingers in the intestines, allowing the buildup of certain byproducts in the body, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide. It can also be caused by swallowing too much air. Wonder what’s in the gas that builds up in your body? Here’s it is:

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Carbon Dioxide
  4. Oxygen
  5. Methane

Keep in mind that all of these are technically odorless gasses. So why the unpleasant smell? For many years researchers thought it came from eating fatty foods, but now we know that it can be caused by sulfur-containing compounds that build up in the body when gas is formed. Some people have these compounds, some don’t. That’s why one day gas might be completely odourless, but the next day it’s powerful enough to clear a room!

How to Stop Gas

Gas is something that we all deal with from time to time; in fact, most people deal with gas every single day, but it isn’t severe enough to be noticeable. But what can you do when gas is really starting to annoy you? Here are a few ideas on how to stop gas:

Start with your diet. Pay attention to what you eat by keeping a food journal. Whenever you suffer from gas and bloating, take note of what you ate the day before. Over time, you will begin to see a pattern. For instance, maybe your big gassy culprit is leafy greens — you will notice more flatulence after you eat salads. It might take time to see the pattern, but it will be worth it to avoid the discomfort and embarrassment of gas.

What if you still want to eat those great foods that you crave, but you want to eliminate the odorous side effect? That’s where mild over-the-counter medications come into play. Products like Beano can help your body handle certain foods, and that means you can have what you want without worrying about the aftermath.

What if those things don’t work? You might have a more serious problem with gas. Our ebook can help you determine what is going on in your body, how to treat it and what to do to avoid dealing with it again. If you’re curious to find out more, get a copy of it today.

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